Andy in the Cloud

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Salesforce DX Integration Strategies


This blog will cover three ways by which you can interact programmatically with Salesforce DX. DX provides a number of time-saving utilities and commands, sometimes though you want to either combine those together or choose to write your own that fit better with your way of working. Fortunately, DX is very open and in fact, goes beyond just interacting with CLI.

If you are familiar with DX you will likely already be writing or have used shell scripts around the CLI, those scripts are code and the CLI commands and their outputs (especially in JSON mode) is the API in this case. The goal of this blog is to highlight this approach further and also other programming options via REST API or Node.js.

Broadly speaking DX is composed of layers, from client side services to those at the backend. Each of these layers is actually supported and available to you as a developer to consume as well. The diagram shown here shows these layers and the following sections highlight some examples and further use cases for each.


Programming via shell scripts is very common and there is a huge wealth of content and help on the internet regardless of your platform. You can perform condition operations, use variables and even perform loops. The one downside is they are platform specific. So if supporting users on multiple platforms is important to you, and you have skills in other more platform neutral languages you may want to consider automating the CLI that way.

Regardless of how you invoke the CLI, parsing human-readable text from CLI commands is not a great experience and leads to fragility (as it can and should be allowed to change between releases). Thus all Salesforce DX commands support the –json parameter. First, let’s consider the default output of the following command.

sfdx force:org:display
=== Org Description
KEY              VALUE
───────────────  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Access Token     00DR00.....O1012
Alias            demo
Client Id        SalesforceDevelopmentExperience
Created By
Created Date     2019-02-09T23:38:10.000+0000
Dev Hub Id
Edition          Developer
Expiration Date  2019-02-16
Id               00DR000000093TsMAI
Instance Url
Org Name         afawcett Company
Status           Active

Now let’s contrast the output of this command with the –json parameter.

sfdx force:org:display --json
{"status":0,"result":{"username":"","devHubId":"","id":"00DR000000093TsMAI","createdBy":"","createdDate":"2019-02-09T23:38:10.000+0000","expirationDate":"2019-02-16","status":"Active","edition":"Developer","orgName":"afawcett Company","accessToken":"00DR000...yijdqPlO1012","instanceUrl":"","clientId":"SalesforceDevelopmentExperience","alias":"demo"}}}

If you are using a programming language with support for interpreting JSON you can now start to parse the response to obtain the information you need. However, if you are using shell scripts you need a little extract assistance. Thankfully there is an awesome open source utility called jq to the rescue. Just simply piping the JSON output through the jq command allows you to get a better look at things…

sfdx force:org:display --json | jq
  "status": 0,
  "result": {
    "username": "",
    "devHubId": "",
    "id": "00DR000000093TsMAI",
    "createdBy": "",
    "createdDate": "2019-02-09T23:38:10.000+0000",
    "expirationDate": "2019-02-16",
    "status": "Active",
    "edition": "Developer",
    "orgName": "afawcett Company",
    "accessToken": "00DR000....O1012",
    "instanceUrl": "",
    "clientId": "SalesforceDevelopmentExperience",
    "alias": "demo"

You can then get a bit more specific in terms of the information you want.

sfdx force:org:display --json | jq -r

You can combine this into a shell script to set variables as follows.

ORG_INFO=$(sfdx force:org:display --json)
ORG_ID=$(echo $ORG_INFO | jq -r)
ORG_DOMAIN=$(echo $ORG_INFO | jq .result.instanceUrl -r)
ORG_SESSION=$(echo $ORG_INFO | jq .result.accessToken -r)

All the DX commands support JSON output, including the query commands…

sfdx force:data:soql:query -q "select Name from Account" --json | jq .result.records[0].Name -r

The Sample Script for Installing Packages with Dependencies has a great example of using JSON output from the query commands to auto-discover package dependencies. This approach can be adapted however to any object, it also shows another useful approach of combining Python within a Shell script.

DX Core Library and DX Plugins

This is a Node.js library contains core DX functionality such as authentication, org management, project management and the ability to invoke REST API’s against scratch orgs vis JSForce. This library is actually used most commonly when you are authoring a DX plugin, however, it can be used standalone. If you have an existing Node.js based tool or existing CLI library you want to embed DX in.

The samples folder here contains some great examples. This example shows how to use the library to access the alias information and provide a means for the user to edit the alias names.

  // Enter a new alias
  const { newAlias } = await inquirer.prompt([
    { name: 'newAlias', message: 'Enter a new alias (empty to remove):' }

  if (alias !== 'N/A') {
    // Remove the old one
    console.log(`Unset alias ${}`);

  if (newAlias) {
    aliases.set(newAlias, username);
      `Set alias ${} to username ${}`

Tooling API Objects

Finally, there is a host of Tooling API objects that support the above features and some added extra features. These are fully documented and accessible via the Salesforce Tooling API for use in your own plugins or applications capable of making REST API calls.  Keep in mind you can do more than just query these objects, some also represent processes, meaning when you insert into them they do stuff! Here is a brief summary of the most interesting objects.

  • PackageUploadRequest, MetadataPackage, MetadataPackageVersion represent objects you can use as a developer to automate the uploading of first generation packages.
  • Package2, Package2Version, Package2VersionCreateRequest and Package2VersionCreateRequestError represent objects you can use as a developer to automate the uploading of second generation packages.
  • PackageInstallRequest SubscriberPackage SubscriberPackageVersion and Package2Member (second generation only) represent objects that allow you to automate the installation of a package and also allow you to discover the contents of packages installed within an org.
  • SandboxProcess and SandboxInfo represent objects that allow you to automate the creation and refresh of Sandboxes, as well as query for existing ones. For more information see the summary at the bottom of this help topic.
  • SourceMember represents changes you make when using the Setup menu within a Scratch org. It is used by the push and pull commands to track changes. The documentation claims you can create and update records in this object, however, I would recommend that you only use it for informationally purposes. For example, you could write your own poller tool to drive code generation based on custom object changes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to consider what CLI commands exist to accomplish your need. As you’ve read above its easy to automate those commands and they manage a lot of the complexity in interacting with these objects directly. This is especially true for packaging objects.


The above options represent a rich set of abilities to integrate and extend DX. Keep in mind the deeper you go the more flexibility you get, but you are also taking on more complexity. So choose wisely and/or use a mix of approaches. Finally worthy of mention is the future of SFDX CLI and Oclif. Salesforce is busy updating the internals of the DX CLI to use this library and once complete will open up new cool possibilities such as CLI hooks which will allow you to extend the existing commands.

9 thoughts on “Salesforce DX Integration Strategies

  1. thanks Andy, this is really helpful. Currently trying it out. What is the npm command to install jq?

  2. Pingback: Around the Web – 20190215 -

  3. Pingback: Salesforce DX Integration Strategies — Andy in the Cloud – SutoCom Solutions

  4. Hi ANDREW FAWCETT. Nice Blog on “salesforce Dx integration strategies” informative and well explained. we also have Salesforce blog in which we write amazing content About Salesforce. we aslo written a article about Salesforce DX . Please Refer To

  5. Thanks for sharing DX integration Strategies.

  6. Thanks, I was looking for Salesforce DX integration And found your article, Now I solved my problem and completed the task,

  7. Pingback: Salesforce DX Integration Strategies | Andy in the Cloud - Salesforce News & Tutorials

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