Andy in the Cloud

From BBC Basic to and beyond…


Reducing Field Validation Boilerplate Code

Boilerplate code is code that we repeat often with little or no variation. When it comes to writing field validations in Apex, especially within Apex Triggers there are a number of examples of this. Especially when it comes to checking if a field value has changed and/or querying for related records, which also requires observing good bulkifcathion best practices. This blog presents a small proof of concept framework aimed at reducing such logic made possible in Winter’21 with a small but critical enhancement to the Apex runtime that allows developers to dynamically add field errors. Additionally, for those practicing unit testing, the enhancement also allows test assert such errors without DML!

This is a very basic demonstration of the new addError and getErrors methods.

Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.addError('Description', 'Error Message!'); 
List<Database.Error> errors = opp.getErrors();
System.assertEquals(1, errors.size());
System.assertEquals('Error Message!', errors[0].getMessage());
System.assertEquals('Description', errors[0].getFields()[0]);

However in order to really appreciate the value these two features bring to frameworks let us first review a use case and the traditional approach to coding such validation logic. Our requirements are:

  1. When updating an Opportunity validate the Description and AccountId fields
  2. If the StageName field changes to “Closed Won” and the Description field has changed ensure it is not null.
  3. If the AccountId field changes ensure that the NumberOfEmployees field on the Account is not null
  4. Ensure code is bulkified and queries are only performed when needed.

The following code implements the above requirements, but does contain some boilerplate code.

// Classic style validation
switch on Trigger.operationType {
    when AFTER_UPDATE {
        // Prescan to bulkify querying for related Accounts
        Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
        for (Opportunity opp : newMap.values()) {
            Opportunity oldOpp = oldMap.get(opp.Id);
            if(opp.AccountId != oldOpp.AccountId) { // AccountId changed?
        // Query related Account records?
        Map<Id, Account> associatedAccountsById = accountIds.size()==0 ? 
            new Map<Id, Account>() : 
            new Map<Id, Account>([select Id, NumberOfEmployees from Account where Id = :accountIds]);
        // Validate
        for (Opportunity opp : newMap.values()) {
            Opportunity oldOpp = oldMap.get(opp.Id);
            if(opp.StageName != oldOpp.StageName) { // Stage changed?
                if(opp.StageName == 'Closed Won') { // Stage closed won?
                    if(opp.Description != oldOpp.Description) { // Description changed?               
                        if(opp.Description == null) { // Description null?
                            opp.Description.addError('Description must be specified when Opportunity is closed');
            if(opp.AccountId != oldOpp.AccountId) { // AccountId changed?
                Account acct = associatedAccountsById.get(opp.AccountId);
                if(acct!=null) { // Account queried?
                    if(acct.NumberOfEmployees==null) { // NumberOfEmployees null?
                        opp.AccountId.addError('Account does not have any employees');

Below is the same validation implemented using a framework built to reduce boilerplate code.            
    .field(Opportunity.Description).hasChanged().isNull().addError('Description must be specified when Opportunity is closed')
      .when(Opportunity.StageName).hasChanged().equals('Closed Won')
    .field(Opportunity.AccountId).whenChanged().addError('Account does not have any employees')
  .validate(operation, oldMap, newMap);

The SObjectFieldValidator framework uses the Fluent style design to its API and as such allows the validator to be dynamically constructed with ease. Additionally configured instances of it can be passed around and extended by other code paths and modules with the validation itself to be performed in one pass. The framework also attempts some smarts to bulkify queries (in this case related Accounts) and only do so if the target field or related fields have been modified – thus ensuring optimal processing time. The test code for either approaches can of course be written in the usual way as shown below.

// Given
Account relatedAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test', NumberOfEmployees = null);        
insert relatedAccount;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name = 'Test', CloseDate =, StageName = 'Prospecting', Description = 'X', AccountId = null);
insert opp;
opp.StageName = 'Closed Won';
opp.Description = null;
opp.AccountId = relatedAccount.Id;
// When
Database.SaveResult saveResult = Database.update(opp, false);
// Then
List<Database.Error> errors = saveResult.getErrors();
System.assertEquals(2, errors.size());
System.assertEquals('Description', errors[0].getFields()[0]);
System.assertEquals('Description must be specified when Opportunity is closed', errors[0].getMessage());
System.assertEquals('AccountId', errors[1].getFields()[0]);
System.assertEquals('Account does not have any employees', errors[1].getMessage());

While you do still need code coverage for your Apex Trigger logic, those practicing unit testing may prefer to leverage the ability to avoid DML in order to assert more varied validation scenarios. The following code is entirely free of any SOQL and DML statements and thus better for test performance. It leverages the ability to inject related records rather than allowing the framework to query them on demand. The SObjectFieldValidator instance is constructed and configured in a separate class for reuse.

// Given
Account relatedAccount = 
    new Account(Id = TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, Name = 'Test', NumberOfEmployees = null);
Map<Id, SObject> oldMap = 
    new Map<Id, SObject> { TEST_OPPORTUNIT_ID => 
        new Opportunity(Id = TEST_OPPORTUNIT_ID, StageName = 'Prospecting', Description = 'X', AccountId = null)};
Map<Id, SObject> newMap = 
    new Map<Id, SObject> { TEST_OPPORTUNIT_ID => 
        new Opportunity(Id = TEST_OPPORTUNIT_ID, StageName = 'Closed Won', Description = null, AccountId = TEST_ACCOUNT_ID)};
Map<SObjectField, Map<Id, SObject>> relatedRecords = 
    new Map<SObjectField, Map<Id, SObject>> {
        Opportunity.AccountId => 
            new Map<Id, SObject>(new List<Account> { relatedAccount })};
// When
  .validate(TriggerOperation.AFTER_UPDATE, oldMap, newMap, relatedRecords); 
// Then
List<Database.Error> errors = newMap.get(TEST_OPPORTUNIT_ID).getErrors();
System.assertEquals(2, errors.size());
System.assertEquals('AccountId', errors[0].getFields()[0]);
System.assertEquals('Account does not have any employees', errors[0].getMessage());
System.assertEquals('Description', errors[1].getFields()[0]);
System.assertEquals('Description must be specified when Opportunity is closed', errors[1].getMessage());

Finally it is worth noting that such a framework can of course only get you so far and there will be scenarios where you need to be more rich in your criteria. This is something that could be explored further through the SObjectFieldValidator.FieldValidationCondition base type that allows coded field validations to be added via the condition method. The framework is pretty basic as I really do not have a great deal of time these days to build it out more fully, so totally invite anyone interested to take it further.



Working with Apex Mocks Matchers and Unit Of Work

The Apex Mocks framework gained a new feature recently, namely Matchers. This new feature means that we can start verifying what records and their fields values are being passed to a mocked Unit Of Work more reliably and with a greater level of detail.

Since the Unit Of Work deals primarily with SObject types this does present some challenges to the default behaviour of Apex Mocks. Stephen Willcock‘s excellent blog points out the reasons behind this with some great examples. In addition prior to the matchers functionality, you could not verify your interest in a specific field value of a record, passed to registerDirty for example.

So first consider the following test code that does not use matchers.

	private static void callingApplyDiscountShouldCalcDiscountAndRegisterDirty()
		// Create mocks
		fflib_ApexMocks mocks = new fflib_ApexMocks();
		fflib_ISObjectUnitOfWork uowMock = new fflib_SObjectMocks.SObjectUnitOfWork(mocks);

		// Given
		Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(
			Id = fflib_IDGenerator.generate(Opportunity.SObjectType),
			Name = 'Test Opportunity',
			StageName = 'Open',
			Amount = 1000,
			CloseDate =;
		Application.UnitOfWork.setMock(new List<Opportunity> { opp };);

		// When
		IOpportunities opps =
		opps.applyDiscount(10, uowMock);

		// Then
			mocks.verify(uowMock, 1)).registerDirty(
				new Opportunity(
					Id = opp.Id,
					Name = 'Test Opportunity',
					StageName = 'Open',
					Amount = 900,
					CloseDate =;

On the face of it, it looks like it should correctly verify that an updated Opportunity record with 10% removed from the Amount was passed to the Unit Of Work. But this fails with an assert claiming the method was not called. The main reason for this is its a new instance and this is not what the mock recorded. Changing it to verify with the test record instance works, but this only verifies the test record was passed, the Amount could be anything.

		// Then
			mocks.verify(uowMock, 1)).registerDirty(opp);

The solution is to use the new Matchers functionality for SObject’s. This time we can verify that a record was passed to the registerDirty method, that it was the one we expected by its Id and critically the correct Amount was set.

		// Then
			mocks.verify(uowMock, 1)).registerDirty(
					new Map<SObjectField, Object>{
						Opportunity.Id => opp.Id,
						Opportunity.Amount => 900} ));

There is also methods fflib_Match.sObjectWithName and fflib_Match.sObjectWithId as kind of short hands if you just want to check these specific fields. The Matcher framework is hugely powerful, with many more useful matchers. So i encourage you to take a deeper look David Frudd‘s excellent blog post here to learn more.

If you want to know more about how Apex Mocks integrates with the Apex Enterprise Patterns as shown in the example above, refer to this two part series here.


Where to place Validation code in an Apex Trigger?

Quite often when i answer questions on Salesforce StackExchange they prompt me to consider future blog posts. This question has been sat on my blog list for a while and i’m finally going to tackle the ‘performing validation in the after‘ comment in this short blog post, so here goes!

Salesforce offers Apex developers two phases within an Apex Trigger, before and after. Most examples i see tend to perform validation code in the before phase of the trigger, even the Salesforce examples show this. However there can be implications with this, that is not at first that obvious. Lets look at an example, first here is my object…

Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 09.31.05

Now the Apex Trigger doing some validation…

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger1 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
   (before insert) {

	// Make sure if there is an answer given its always 42!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		if(record.Answer__c!=null && record.Answer__c != 42) {
			record.Answer__c.addError('Answer is not 42!');

The following test method asserts that a valid value has been written to the database. In reality you would also have tests that assert invalid values are rejected, though the test method below will suffice for this blog.

	private static void testValidSucceeds() {

		// Insert a valid answer
			lifeTheUniverseAndEverything = new LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c();
		lifeTheUniverseAndEverything.Answer__c = 42;
		insert lifeTheUniverseAndEverything;

		// Is the answer still the same, surely nobody could have changed it right?
			[select Answer__c
			   from LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
			   where Id = :lifeTheUniverseAndEverything.Id][0].Answer__c);

This all works perfectly so far!

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What harm can a second Apex Trigger do?

Once developed Apex Triggers are either deployed into a Production org or packaged within an AppExchange package which is then installed. In the later case such Apex Triggers cannot be changed. The consideration being raised here arises if a second Apex Trigger is created on the object. There can be a few reasons for this, especially if the existing Apex Trigger is managed and cannot be modified or a developer simply chooses to add another Apex Trigger.

So what harm can a second Apex Trigger on the same object really cause? Well, like the first Apex Trigger it has the ability to change field values as well as validate them. As per the additional considerations at the bottom of the Salesforce trigger invocation documentation, Apex Triggers are not guaranteed to fire in any order. So what would happen if we add a second trigger like the one below which attempts to modify the answer to an invalid value?

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger2 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
  (before insert) {

	// I insist that the answer is actually 43!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		record.Answer__c = 43;

At time of writing in my org, it appears that this new trigger (despite its name) is actually being run by the platform before my first validation trigger. Thus since the validation code gets executed after this new trigger changes the value we can see the validation is still catching it. So while thats technically not what this test method was testing, it shows for the purposes of this blog that the validation is still working, phew!

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Apex Trigger execution order matters…

So while all seems well up until this point,  remember that we cannot guarantee that Salesforce will always run our validation trigger last. What if ours validation trigger ran first? Since we cannot determine the order of invocation of triggers, what we can do to illustrate the effects of this is simply switch the code in the two examples triggers like this so.

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger2 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
  (before insert) {

  	// Make if there is an answer given its always 42!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		if(record.Answer__c!=null && record.Answer__c != 42) {
			record.Answer__c.addError('Answer is not 42!');

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger1 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
  (before insert, before update) {

	// I insist that the answer is actually 43!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		record.Answer__c = 43;

Having effectively emulated the platform running the two triggers in a different order, validation trigger first, then the field modify trigger second. Our test asserts are now showing the validation logic in this scenario failed to do its job and invalid data reached the database, not good!

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So whats the solution to making my triggers bullet proof?

So what is the solution to avoiding this, well its pretty simple really, move your logic into the after phase. Even though the triggers may still fire in different orders, one thing is certain. Nothing and i mean nothing, can change in the after phase of a trigger execution, meaning you can reliably check the field values without fear of them changing later!

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger2 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
  (after insert) {

  	// Make if there is an answer given its always 42!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		if(record.Answer__c!=null && record.Answer__c != 42) {
			record.Answer__c.addError('Answer is not 42!');

Thus with this change in place, even though the second trigger fires afterwards and attempts to change the value an inserted to 43, the first trigger validation still prevents records being inserted to the database, success!

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This approach is actually referenced in a few Trigger frameworks such as Tony Scott’s ‘Trigger Pattern for Tidy, Streamlined, Bulkified Triggers‘ and the Apex Enterprise Patterns Domain pattern.

One downside here is that for error scenarios the record is executing potentially much more platform features (for workflow and other processes) before your validation eventually stops proceedings and asks for the platform to roll everything back. That said, error scenarios, once users learn your system are hopefully less frequent use cases.

So if you feel scenario described above is likely to occur (particularly if your developing a managed package where its likely subscriber developers will add triggers), you should seriously consider leveraging the after phase of triggers for validation. Note this also applies with the update and delete events in triggers.



Unit Testing, Apex Enterprise Patterns and ApexMocks – Part 1

If you attended my Advanced Apex Enterprise Patterns session at Dreamforce 2014 you’ll have heard me highlight the different between Apex tests that are either written as true unit test vs those written in a way that more resembles an integration test. As Paul Hardaker (ApexMocks author) once pointed out to me, technically the reality is Apex developers often only end up writing only integration tests.

Lets review Wikipedia’s definition of unit tests

Intuitively, one can view a unit as the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming, a unit could be an entire module, but it is more commonly an individual function or procedure. In object-oriented programming, a unit is often an entire interface, such as a class, but could be an individual method. Unit tests are short code fragments created by programmers or occasionally by white box testers during the development process

Does this describe an Apex Test you have written recently?

Lets review what Apex tests typically require us to perform…

  • Setup of application data for every test method
  • Executes the more code than we care about testing at the time
  • Tests often not very varied enough, as they can take a long time to run!

Does the following Wikipedia snippet describing integration tests more accurately describe this?

Integration testing (sometimes called integration and testing, abbreviated I&T) is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before validation testing. Integration testing takes as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups them in larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those aggregates, and delivers as its output the integrated system ready for system testing

The challenge with writing true unit tests in Apex can also leave those wishing to follow practices like TDD struggling due to the lack of dependency injection and mocking support in the Apex runtime. We start to desire mocking support such as what we find for example in Java’s Mockito (the inspiration behind ApexMocks).

The lines between unit vs integration testing and which we should use and when can get blurred since does need Apex tests to invoke Apex Triggers for coverage (requiring actual test integration with the database) and if your using Workflows a lot you may want the behaviour of these reflected in your tests. So one cannot completely move away from writing integration tests of course. But is there a better way for us to regain some of the benefits other platforms enjoy in this area for the times we feel it would benefit us?

Problems writing Unit Tests for complex code bases…

Integration TestingThe problem is a true unit tests aim to test a small unit of the code, typically a specific method. However if this method ends up querying the database we need to have inserted those records prior to calling the method and then assert the records afterwards. If your familiar with Apex Enterprise Patterns, you’ll recognise the following separation of concerns in this diagram which shows clearly what code might be executed in a controller test for example.

For complex applications this approach per test can be come quite an overhead before you even get to call your controller method and assert the results! Lets face it, as we have to wait longer and longer for such tests, this inhibits our desire to write further more complex tests that may more thoroughly test the code with different data combinations and use cases.




What if we could emulate the database layer somehow?

Well those of you familiar with Apex Enterprise Patterns will know its big on separation of concerns. Thus aspects such as querying the database and updating it are encapsulated away in so called Selectors and the Unit Of Work. Just prior to Dreamforce 2014, the patterns introduced the Application class, this provides a single application wide means to access the Service, Domain, Selector and Unit Of Work implementations as apposed to directly instantiating them.

If you’ve been reading my book, you’ll know that this also provides access to new Object Orientated Programming possibilities, such as polymorphism between the Service layer and Domain layer, allowing for a functional frameworks and greater reuse to be constructed within the code base.

In this two part blog series, we are focusing on the role of the Application class and its setMock methods. These methods, modelled after the platforms Test.setMock method (for mocking HTTP comms), provide a means to mock the core architectural layers of an application which is based on the Apex Enterprise Patterns. By allowing mocking in these areas, we can see that we can write unit tests that focus only on the behaviour of the controller, service or domain class we are testing.

Unit Testing

Preparing your Service, Domain and Selector classes for mocking

As described in my Dreamforce 2014 presentation, Apex Interfaces are key to implementing mocking. You must define these in order to allow the mocking framework to substitute dynamically different implementations. The patterns library also provides base interfaces that reflect the base class methods for the Selector and Domain layers. The sample application contains a full example of these interfaces and how they are applied.

// Service layer interface

public interface IOpportunitiesService
	void applyDiscounts(Set<ID> opportunityIds, Decimal discountPercentage);

	Set<Id> createInvoices(Set<ID> opportunityIds, Decimal discountPercentage);

	Id submitInvoicingJob();

// Domain layer interface

public interface IOpportunities extends fflib_ISObjectDomain
	void applyDiscount(Decimal discountPercentage, fflib_ISObjectUnitOfWork uow);

// Selector layer interface

public interface IOpportunitiesSelector extends fflib_ISObjectSelector
	List<Opportunity> selectByIdWithProducts(Set<ID> idSet);

First up apply the Domain class interfaces as follows…

// Implementing Domain layer interface

public class Opportunities extends fflib_SObjectDomain
	implements IOpportunities {

	// Rest of the class

Next is the Service class, since the service layer remains stateless and global, i prefer to retain the static method style. Since you cannot apply interfaces to static methods, i use the following convention, though I’ve seen others with inner classes. First create a new class something like OpportunitiesServiceImpl, copy the implementation of the existing service into it and remove the static modifier from the method signatures before apply the interface. The original service class then becomes a stub for the service entry point.

// Implementing Service layer interface

public class OpportunitiesServiceImpl
	implements IOpportunitiesService
	public void applyDiscounts(Set<ID> opportunityIds, Decimal discountPercentage)
		// Rest of the method...

	public Set<Id> createInvoices(Set<ID> opportunityIds, Decimal discountPercentage)
		// Rest of the method...

	public Id submitInvoicingJob()
		// Rest of the method...

// Service layer stub

global with sharing class OpportunitiesService
	global static void applyDiscounts(Set<ID> opportunityIds, Decimal discountPercentage)
		service().applyDiscounts(opportunityIds, discountPercentage);

	global static Set<Id> createInvoices(Set<ID> opportunityIds, Decimal discountPercentage)
		return service().createInvoices(opportunityIds, discountPercentage);

	global static Id submitInvoicingJob()
		return service().submitInvoicingJob();

	private static IOpportunitiesService service()
		return new OpportunitiesServiceImpl();

Finally the Selector class, like the Domain class is a simple matter of applying the interface.

public class OpportunitiesSelector extends fflib_SObjectSelector
	implements IOpportunitiesSelector
	// Rest of the class

Implementing Application.cls

Once you have defined and implemented your interfaces you need to ensure there is a means to switch at runtime the different implementations of them, between the real implementation and a the mock implementation as required within a test context. To do this a factory pattern is applied for calling logic to obtain the appropriate instance. Define the Application class as follows, using the factory classes provided in the library. Also note that the Unit Of Work is defined here in a single maintainable place.

public class Application
	// Configure and create the UnitOfWorkFactory for this Application
	public static final fflib_Application.UnitOfWorkFactory UnitOfWork =
		new fflib_Application.UnitOfWorkFactory(
				new List<SObjectType> {
					OpportunityLineItem.SObjectType });	

	// Configure and create the ServiceFactory for this Application
	public static final fflib_Application.ServiceFactory Service =
		new fflib_Application.ServiceFactory(
			new Map<Type, Type> {
					IOpportunitiesService.class => OpportunitiesServiceImpl.class,
					IInvoicingService.class => InvoicingServiceImpl.class });

	// Configure and create the SelectorFactory for this Application
	public static final fflib_Application.SelectorFactory Selector =
		new fflib_Application.SelectorFactory(
			new Map<SObjectType, Type> {
					Opportunity.SObjectType => OpportunitiesSelector.class,
					OpportunityLineItem.SObjectType => OpportunityLineItemsSelector.class,
					PricebookEntry.SObjectType => PricebookEntriesSelector.class,
					Pricebook2.SObjectType => PricebooksSelector.class,
					Product2.SObjectType => ProductsSelector.class,
					User.sObjectType => UsersSelector.class });

	// Configure and create the DomainFactory for this Application
	public static final fflib_Application.DomainFactory Domain =
		new fflib_Application.DomainFactory(
			new Map<SObjectType, Type> {
					Opportunity.SObjectType => Opportunities.Constructor.class,
					OpportunityLineItem.SObjectType => OpportunityLineItems.Constructor.class,
					Account.SObjectType => Accounts.Constructor.class,
					DeveloperWorkItem__c.SObjectType => DeveloperWorkItems.class });

Using Application.cls

If your adapting an existing code base, be sure to leverage the Application class factory methods in your application code, seek out code which is explicitly instantiating the classes of your Domain, Selector and Unit Of Work usage. Note you don’t need to worry about Service class references, since this is now just a stub entry point.

The following code shows how to wrap the Application factory methods using convenience methods that can help avoid repeated casting to the interfaces, it’s up to you if you adopt these or not, the effect is the same regardless. Though the modification the service method shown above is required.

// Service class Application factory usage

global with sharing class OpportunitiesService
	private static IOpportunitiesService service()
		return (IOpportunitiesService) Application.Service.newInstance(IOpportunitiesService.class);

// Domain class Application factory helper

public class Opportunities extends fflib_SObjectDomain
	implements IOpportunities
	public static IOpportunities newInstance(List<Opportunity> sObjectList)
		return (IOpportunities) Application.Domain.newInstance(sObjectList);

// Selector class Application factory helper

public with sharing class OpportunitiesSelector extends fflib_SObjectSelector
	implements IOpportunitiesSelector
	public static IOpportunitiesSelector newInstance()
		return (IOpportunitiesSelector) Application.Selector.newInstance(Opportunity.SObjectType);

With these methods in place reference them and those on the Application class as shown in the following example.

public class OpportunitiesServiceImpl
	implements IOpportunitiesService
	public void applyDiscounts(Set<ID> opportunityIds, Decimal discountPercentage)
		// Create unit of work to capture work and commit it under one transaction
		fflib_ISObjectUnitOfWork uow = Application.UnitOfWork.newInstance();

		// Query Opportunities
		List<Opportunity> oppRecords =

		// Apply discount via Opportunties domain class behaviour
		IOpportunities opps = Opportunities.newInstance(oppRecords);
		opps.applyDiscount(discountPercentage, uow);

		// Commit updates to opportunities

The Selector factory does carry some useful generic helpers, these will internally utilise the Selector classes as defined on the Application class definition above.

List<Opportunity> opps =
   (List<Opportunity>) Application.Selector.selectById(myOppIds);

List<Account> accts =
   (List<Account>) Application.Selector.selectByRelationship(opps, Account.OpportunityId);

Summary and Part Two

In this blog we’ve looked at how to defined and apply interfaces between your service, domain, selector and unit of work dependencies. Using a factory pattern through the indirection of the Application class we have implemented an injection framework within the definition of these enterprise application separation of concerns.

I’ve seen dependency injection done via constructor injection, my personal preference is to use the approach shown in this blog. My motivation for this lies with the fact that these pattern layers are well enough known throughout the application code base and the Application class supports other facilities such as polymorphic instantiation of domain classes and helper methods as shown above on the Selector factory.

In the second part of this series we will look at how to write true unit tests for your controller, service and domain classes, leveraging the amazing ApexMocks library! If in the meantime you wan to get a glimpse of what this might look like take a wonder through the Apex Enterprise Patterns sample application tests here and here.

// Provide a mock instance of a Unit of Work

// Provide a mock instance of a Domain class

// Provide a mock instance of a Selector class

// Provide a mock instance of a Service class
Application.Service.setMock(IOpportunitiesService.class, mockService);


Mocking SOQL sub-select query results

If your a fan of TDD you’ll hopefully have been following‘s latest open source contribution to the Salesforce community, known as ApexMocks. Providing a fantastic framework for writing true unit tests in Apex. Allowing you to implement mock implementations of classes used by the code your testing.

The ability to construct data structures returned by mock methods is critical. If its a method performing a SOQL query, there has been an elusive challenge in the area of queries containing sub-selects. Take a look at the following test which inserts and then queries records from the database.

	private static void testWithDb()
		// Create records
		Account acct = new Account(
			Name = 'Master #1');
		insert acct;
		List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact> {
			new Contact (
				FirstName = 'Child',
				LastName = '#1',
				AccountId = acct.Id),
			new Contact (
				FirstName = 'Child',
				LastName = '#2',
				AccountId = acct.Id) };
		insert contacts;

		// Query records
		List<Account> accounts =
			[select Id, Name,
				(select Id, FirstName, LastName, AccountId from Contacts) from Account];

		// Assert result set
		assertRecords(acct.Id, contacts[0].Id, contacts[1].Id, accounts);

	private static void assertRecords(Id parentId, Id childId1, Id childId2, List<Account> masters)
		System.assertEquals(Account.SObjectType, masters.getSObjectType());
		System.assertEquals(Account.SObjectType, masters[0].getSObjectType());
		System.assertEquals(1, masters.size());
		System.assertEquals(parentId, masters[0].Id);
		System.assertEquals('Master #1', masters[0].Name);
		System.assertEquals(2, masters[0].Contacts.size());
		System.assertEquals(childId1, masters[0].Contacts[0].Id);
		System.assertEquals(parentId, masters[0].Contacts[0].AccountId);
		System.assertEquals('Child', masters[0].Contacts[0].FirstName);
		System.assertEquals('#1', masters[0].Contacts[0].LastName);
		System.assertEquals(childId2, masters[0].Contacts[1].Id);
		System.assertEquals(parentId, masters[0].Contacts[1].AccountId);
		System.assertEquals('Child', masters[0].Contacts[1].FirstName);
		System.assertEquals('#2', masters[0].Contacts[1].LastName);

Now you may think you can mock the results of this query by simply constructing the required records in memory, but you’d be wrong! The following code fails to compile with a ‘Field is not writeable: Contacts‘ error on line 16.

		// Create records in memory
		Account acct = new Account(
			Id = Mock.Id.generate(Account.SObjectType),
			Name = 'Master #1');
		List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact> {
			new Contact (
				Id = Mock.Id.generate(Contact.SObjectType),
				FirstName = 'Child',
				LastName = '#1',
				AccountId = acct.Id),
			new Contact (
				Id = Mock.Id.generate(Contact.SObjectType),
				FirstName = 'Child',
				LastName = '#2',
				AccountId = acct.Id) };
		acct.Contacts = contacts;

While Salesforce have gradually opened up write access to previously read only fields, the most famous of which being Id, they have yet to enable the ability to set the value of a child relationship field. Paul Hardaker contacted me recently to ask if this problem had been resolved, as he had the very need described above. Using his ApexMock’s framework he wanted to mock the return value of a Selector class method that makes a SOQL query with a sub-select.

Driven by an early workaround (I believe Chris Peterson found) to the now historic inability to write to the Id field. I started to think about using the same approach to stich together parent and child records using the JSON serialiser and derserializer. Brace yourself though, because its not ideal, but it does work! And i’ve managed to wrap it in a helper method that can easily be adapted or swept out if a better solution presents itself.

	private static void testWithoutDb()
		// Create records in memory
		Account acct = new Account(
			Id = Mock.Id.generate(Account.SObjectType),
			Name = 'Master #1');
		List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact> {
			new Contact (
				Id = Mock.Id.generate(Contact.SObjectType),
				FirstName = 'Child',
				LastName = '#1',
				AccountId = acct.Id),
			new Contact (
				Id = Mock.Id.generate(Contact.SObjectType),
				FirstName = 'Child',
				LastName = '#2',
				AccountId = acct.Id) };

		// Mock query records
		List<Account> accounts = (List<Account>)
				new List<Account> { acct },
				new List<List<Contact>> { contacts });			

		// Assert result set
		assertRecords(acct.Id, contacts[0].Id, contacts[1].Id, accounts);

NOTE: Credit should also go to Paul Hardaker for the Mock.Id.generate method implementation.

The Mock class is provided with this blog as a Gist but i suspect will find its way into the ApexMocks at some point. The secret of this method is that it leverages the fact that we can in a supported way expect the platform to deserialise into memory the following JSON representation of the very database query result we want to mock.

        "attributes": {
            "type": "Account",
            "url": "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/Account/001G000001ipFLBIA2"
        "Id": "001G000001ipFLBIA2",
        "Name": "Master #1",
        "Contacts": {
            "totalSize": 2,
            "done": true,
            "records": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "type": "Contact",
                        "url": "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/Contact/003G0000027O1UYIA0"
                    "Id": "003G0000027O1UYIA0",
                    "FirstName": "Child",
                    "LastName": "#1",
                    "AccountId": "001G000001ipFLBIA2"
                    "attributes": {
                        "type": "Contact",
                        "url": "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/Contact/003G0000027O1UZIA0"
                    "Id": "003G0000027O1UZIA0",
                    "FirstName": "Child",
                    "LastName": "#2",
                    "AccountId": "001G000001ipFLBIA2"

The Mock.makeRelationship method turns the parent and child lists into JSON and goes through some rather funky code i’m quite proud off, to splice the two together, before serialising it back into an SObject list and vola! It currently only supports a single sub-select, but can easily be extended to support more. Regardless if you use ApexMocks or not (though you really should try it), i hope this helps you write a few more unit tests than you’ve previous been able.


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Unit Testing with the Domain Layer

Writing true Apex unit tests that are quite granular can be hard in Apex, especially when the application gets more complex, as their is limited mocking support, meaning you have to create all your test data and move it through stages in its life cycle (by calling other methods) to get to the logic your unit test needs to test. Which of course is in itself a valid test approach of definitely needed, this blog is certainly not aiming to detract from those. But these are more of an integration or functional test. Wikipedia has this to say about unit tests…

In computer programmingunit testing is a method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures are tested to determine if they are fit for use.[1] Intuitively, one can view a unit as the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming, a unit could be an entire module, but it is more commonly an individual function or procedure. In object-oriented programming, a unit is often an entire interface, such as a class, but could be an individual method.[2] Unit tests are short code fragments[3] created by programmers or occasionally by white box testers during the development process.

If as a developer you want to write these kind of low level unit tests around your domain classes (part of the Apex Enterprise Patterns), perhaps trying out a broader number of data input scenarios to your validation or defaulting code its hard using the conventional DML approach approach for the same reasons. Typically the result is you compromise on the tests you really want to write. The other downside is eventually your test class starts to take longer and longer to execute, as the DML overhead is expensive. Thus most developers I’ve spoken to, including myself, start to comment out test methods to speed things up while they work on a specific test method. Or perhaps you are a TDD fan, where incremental dev and unit test writing is important.

Stephen Willcock and I often discuss this balance, he is a big fan of DML’less testing and structuring code for testability, having presented a few times at Dreamforce on the topic. There is a framework thats been in the fflib_SObjectDomain base class for a while now that presents its own take on this in respect to Domain layer unit testing. This allows you to emulate DML statements and use the same base class trigger handler method to invoke your Domain methods in the correct sequence from tests. While also performing more granular assertions without actually doing any DML.

As most of you who are using the patterns know the Apex Trigger code is tiny, one line…


The mocking approach to DML statements used by the Domain layer here leverages this line of code directly in your tests (emulating the Apex Trigger invocation directly) without having to execute DML or setup any dependent database state information the record might not need for the given test scenario. But first you must setup your mock database with the records you want to test against.

   new Opportunity[] { new Opportunity ( Name = 'Test', Type = 'Existing Account' ) } );

The next thing you’ll want to do is use a slightly different convention when setting errors on your records or fields, this allows for you to assert what errors have been raised. This convention also improves from the less than ideal convention of try/catch and doing a .contains(‘The driods i’m looking for!’) in the exception text for the message you are looking for. So instead of doing this on your onValidate

   'You must provide an Account for Opportunities for existing Customers.');

You use the error method, this registers in a list of errors that can be asserted later in the test. Like the ApexPages.getMessages() method, it is request scope so contains all errors raised on all domain objects executed during the test incrementally.

   error('You must provide an Account for Opportunities for existing Customers.',
            opp, Opportunity.AccountId) );

The full test then looks like this…

private static void testInsertValidationFailedWithoutDML()
    // Insert data into mock database
    Opportunity opp = new Opportunity ( Name = 'Test', Type = 'Existing Account' );
    fflib_SObjectDomain.Test.Database.onInsert(new Opportunity[] { opp } );

    // Invoke Trigger handler and thus appropriate domain methods

    // Assert results
    System.assertEquals('You must provide an Account for Opportunities for existing Customers.',

NOTE:  The above error assertion approach still works when your using the classic DML and Apex Trigger approach to invoking your Domain class handlers, just make sure to utilise the error method convention as described above.

There are also methods on the fflib_SObjectDomain.Test.Database to emulate other DML operations such as onUpdate and onDelete. As I said at the start of this blog, this is really not ment as an alternative to your normal testing, but might help you get a little more granular on your testing, allowing for more diverse use cases and not to mention speeding up the test execution!