Andy in the Cloud

From BBC Basic to and beyond…

Where to place Validation code in an Apex Trigger?


Quite often when i answer questions on Salesforce StackExchange they prompt me to consider future blog posts. This question has been sat on my blog list for a while and i’m finally going to tackle the ‘performing validation in the after‘ comment in this short blog post, so here goes!

Salesforce offers Apex developers two phases within an Apex Trigger, before and after. Most examples i see tend to perform validation code in the before phase of the trigger, even the Salesforce examples show this. However there can be implications with this, that is not at first that obvious. Lets look at an example, first here is my object…

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Now the Apex Trigger doing some validation…

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger1 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
   (before insert) {

	// Make sure if there is an answer given its always 42!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		if(record.Answer__c!=null && record.Answer__c != 42) {
			record.Answer__c.addError('Answer is not 42!');

The following test method asserts that a valid value has been written to the database. In reality you would also have tests that assert invalid values are rejected, though the test method below will suffice for this blog.

	private static void testValidSucceeds() {

		// Insert a valid answer
			lifeTheUniverseAndEverything = new LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c();
		lifeTheUniverseAndEverything.Answer__c = 42;
		insert lifeTheUniverseAndEverything;

		// Is the answer still the same, surely nobody could have changed it right?
			[select Answer__c
			   from LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
			   where Id = :lifeTheUniverseAndEverything.Id][0].Answer__c);

This all works perfectly so far!

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What harm can a second Apex Trigger do?

Once developed Apex Triggers are either deployed into a Production org or packaged within an AppExchange package which is then installed. In the later case such Apex Triggers cannot be changed. The consideration being raised here arises if a second Apex Trigger is created on the object. There can be a few reasons for this, especially if the existing Apex Trigger is managed and cannot be modified or a developer simply chooses to add another Apex Trigger.

So what harm can a second Apex Trigger on the same object really cause? Well, like the first Apex Trigger it has the ability to change field values as well as validate them. As per the additional considerations at the bottom of the Salesforce trigger invocation documentation, Apex Triggers are not guaranteed to fire in any order. So what would happen if we add a second trigger like the one below which attempts to modify the answer to an invalid value?

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger2 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
  (before insert) {

	// I insist that the answer is actually 43!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		record.Answer__c = 43;

At time of writing in my org, it appears that this new trigger (despite its name) is actually being run by the platform before my first validation trigger. Thus since the validation code gets executed after this new trigger changes the value we can see the validation is still catching it. So while thats technically not what this test method was testing, it shows for the purposes of this blog that the validation is still working, phew!

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Apex Trigger execution order matters…

So while all seems well up until this point,  remember that we cannot guarantee that Salesforce will always run our validation trigger last. What if ours validation trigger ran first? Since we cannot determine the order of invocation of triggers, what we can do to illustrate the effects of this is simply switch the code in the two examples triggers like this so.

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger2 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
  (before insert) {

  	// Make if there is an answer given its always 42!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		if(record.Answer__c!=null && record.Answer__c != 42) {
			record.Answer__c.addError('Answer is not 42!');

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger1 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
  (before insert, before update) {

	// I insist that the answer is actually 43!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		record.Answer__c = 43;

Having effectively emulated the platform running the two triggers in a different order, validation trigger first, then the field modify trigger second. Our test asserts are now showing the validation logic in this scenario failed to do its job and invalid data reached the database, not good!

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So whats the solution to making my triggers bullet proof?

So what is the solution to avoiding this, well its pretty simple really, move your logic into the after phase. Even though the triggers may still fire in different orders, one thing is certain. Nothing and i mean nothing, can change in the after phase of a trigger execution, meaning you can reliably check the field values without fear of them changing later!

trigger LifeTheUniverseAndEverythingTrigger2 on LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c
  (after insert) {

  	// Make if there is an answer given its always 42!
	for(LifeTheUniverseAndEverything__c record : {
		if(record.Answer__c!=null && record.Answer__c != 42) {
			record.Answer__c.addError('Answer is not 42!');

Thus with this change in place, even though the second trigger fires afterwards and attempts to change the value an inserted to 43, the first trigger validation still prevents records being inserted to the database, success!

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This approach is actually referenced in a few Trigger frameworks such as Tony Scott’s ‘Trigger Pattern for Tidy, Streamlined, Bulkified Triggers‘ and the Apex Enterprise Patterns Domain pattern.

One downside here is that for error scenarios the record is executing potentially much more platform features (for workflow and other processes) before your validation eventually stops proceedings and asks for the platform to roll everything back. That said, error scenarios, once users learn your system are hopefully less frequent use cases.

So if you feel scenario described above is likely to occur (particularly if your developing a managed package where its likely subscriber developers will add triggers), you should seriously consider leveraging the after phase of triggers for validation. Note this also applies with the update and delete events in triggers.


13 thoughts on “Where to place Validation code in an Apex Trigger?

  1. Pingback: Check that criteria are met in a before insert trigger | DL-UAT

  2. Using the single trigger per object best practice could solve this, because you could decide to execute the validation logic at last.

    • That’s true, that will mitigate it to a point, however the platform allows other developers to create their own triggers on your objects also. You may not always be able to control this, especially if you are developing an AppExchange package.

      • True, that would be the exception if you do not have full control over the codebase.

  3. I don’t get it, Andy. Why couldn’t “I insist that the answer is 43!” just ALSO be an “after” trigger and change the value once validation is done? Especially if you’re coding in a style that tries to prevent executing the same block of code multiple times to avoid recursion/loops? Or is the point that if you have a “validator,” perhaps you SHOULD let it execute recursively / as many times as it needs to?


    • The platform rejects changes to fields made in the after phase. And yes you should always validate regardless of recursion, if you don’t want any invalid data on the database.

  4. Pingback: How to attach a file to Opportunity Lines | Agustina odeian

  5. Being new to the blogging world I feel like there is still so much to learn. Your tips helped to clarify a few things for me. Thank you…!

  6. Andy,

    A nice synopsis of the issue and a clean solution. It is rather interesting, is it not, that you can add errors to a read-only object in the after phase trigger. A useful thing to know…


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