Andy in the Cloud

From BBC Basic to and beyond…


Custom Keyboard Shortcuts with Lightning Background Utilities


As readers of my blog will know I am a big fan of the rich features the Lightning Experience UI provides to developers. Having blogged several times about the amazing Utility Bar, I have been keen to explore new possibilities with the new Background Utility feature. These are utilities that have no UI so do not use up space in the Utility Bar. Instead, they sit in the background monitoring things like other events generated by the user. One such documented use case is the possibility to monitor keyboard events! And so the Custom Keyboard Shortcut Component has been born! This component effectively runs Flows based on keyboard shortcuts defined by the admin! More on this later…


You may or may not know that Lightning Experience actually already provides some standard keyboard shortcut cuts? Just press Cmd+/ (Mac) or Ctrl+/ (Windows) to get a nice summary of them!

However, per the standard shortcut documentation, it’s not possible to add custom ones. By using the new lightning:backgroundUtilityItem interface we can rectify this. This blog explains a basic hardcoded example component and also introduces an open source component (installable package provided) that links admin defined keyboard shortcuts to Flows and certain navigation events.

In just a few lines of markup and JavaScript code you can get a basic example up and running.

<aura:component implements="lightning:backgroundUtilityItem" >
	<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}" />

The component controller simply uses the standard addEventListener method. You can also inspect the keydown event properties to determine what keys are pressed, such as Shift or Control plus another key. This example simply determines if H is pressed and navigates to Home.

   init: function(component, event, helper) {
      window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
      if (e.key === 'H') {
         $A.get('e.force:navigateToURL').fire({ url: '/lightning/page/home' })

Once deployed go to the App Manager under Setup and add the component to the Utility Items list and that’s it! Note that the component has a different icon indicating it’s a non-visual component. Neat!

Of course, I could not simply leave things like this, so I set about making a more dynamic version. The configuration of the Custom Keyboard Shortcut component is shown at the top of this blog. It’s leveraging the fact that when you configure a Utility Bar component the App Manager inspects the .design file for the component to understand what attributes the component needs the user to configure. At runtime, the controller logic then parses the 9 attributes containing the keyboard shortcuts entered by the user into an internal map that is used by the keyboard event handler to match actions against keyboard activity.

Once you have installed the component either via a package install (admin friendly) or via sfdx force:source:deploy (devs). Add the component within the App Manager to configure keyboard shortcuts.

Through configuration you can connect keyboard shortcuts to the following:-

  • Open a UI Flow in a modal popup
  • Run an Autolaunch Flow
  • Display popup messages communicating the actions taken by the flow
  • Navigate the user to the Home tab
  • Navigate the user to records created by the flow

Further details on configuring the component can be found in the README here. Finally, you may recall that I used a Background Utility in this years Dreamforce presentation. In this case, it was using the new Streaming Component to listen to Platform Events. You can find the source code here.

Have fun!



Creating, Assigning and Checking Custom Permissions

I have been wanting to explore Custom Permissions for a little while now, since they are now GA in Winter’15 i thought its about time i got stuck in. Profiles, Permission Sets have until recently, been focusing on granting permissions to entities only known to the platform, such as objects, fields, Apex classes and Visualforce pages. In most cases these platform entities map to a specific feature in your application you want to provide permission to access.

However there are cases where this is not always that simple. For example consider a Visualforce page you that controls a given process in your application, it has three buttons on it Run, Clear History and Reset. You can control access to the page itself, but how do you control access to the three buttons? What you need is to be able to teach Permission Sets and Profiles about your application functionality, enter Custom Permissions!


NOTE: That you can also define dependencies between your Custom Permissions, for example Clear History and Reset permissions might be dependent on a Manage Important Process  custom permission in your package.

Once these have been created, you can reference them in your packaged Permission Sets and since they are packaged themselves, they can also be referenced by admins managing your application in a subscriber org.


The next step is to make your code react to these custom permissions being assigned or not.

New Global Variable $Permission

You can use the $Permission from a Visualforce page or as SFDCWizard points out here from Validation Rules! Here is the Visualforce page example given by Salesforce in their documentation.

<apex:pageBlock rendered="{!$Permission.canSeeExecutiveData}">
   <!-- Executive Data Here -->

Referencing Custom Permissions from Apex

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Since API 41 (Winter’18) there is now a native way to read Custom Permissions. The following may still be useful if you have requirements not met by the native method. FeatureManagement.checkPermission.

In the case of object and field level permissions, the Apex Describe API can be used to determine if an object or field is available and for what purpose, read or edit for example. This is not going help us here, as custom permissions are not related to any specific object or field. The solution is to leverage the Permission Set Object API to query the SetupEntityAccess and CustomPermission records for Permission Sets or Profiles that are assigned to the current user.

The following SOQL snippets are from the CustomPermissionsReader class i created to help with reading Custom Permissions in Apex (more on this later). As you can see you need to run two SOQL statements to get what you need. The first to get the Id’s the second to query if the user actually has been assigned a Permission Set with them in.

List<CustomPermission> customPermissions =
    [SELECT Id, DeveloperName
       FROM CustomPermission
       WHERE NamespacePrefix = :namespacePrefix];

List<SetupEntityAccess> setupEntities =
    [SELECT SetupEntityId
       FROM SetupEntityAccess
       WHERE SetupEntityId in :customPermissionNamesById.keySet() AND
             ParentId IN (SELECT PermissionSetId
                FROM PermissionSetAssignment
                WHERE AssigneeId = :UserInfo.getUserId())];

Now personally i don’t find this approach that appealing for general use, firstly the Permission Set object relationships are quite hard to get your head around and secondly we get charged by the platform to determine security through the SOQL governor. As a good member of the Salesforce community I of course turned my dislike into an Idea “Native Apex support for Custom Permissions” and posted it here to recommend Salesforce include a native class for reading these, similar to Custom Labels for example.

Introducing CustomPermissionReader

In the meantime I have set about creating an Apex class to help make querying and using Custom Permissions easier. Such a class might one day be replaced if my Idea becomes a reality or maybe its internal implementation just gets improved. One things for sure, i’d much rather use it for now than seed implicit SOQL’s throughout a code base!

Its pretty straight forward to use, construct it in one of two ways, depending if you want all non-namespaced Custom Permissions or if your developing a AppExchange package, give it any one of your packaged Custom Objects and it will ensure that it only ever reads the Custom Permissions associated with your package.

You can download the code and test for CustomPermissionsReader here.

// Default constructor scope is all Custom Permissions in the default namespace
CustomPermissionsReader cpr = new CustomPermissionsReader();
Boolean hasPermissionForReset = cpr.hasPermission('Reset');

// Alternative constructor scope is Custom Permissions that share the
//   same namespace as the custom object
CustomPermissionsReader cpr = new CustomPermissionsReader(MyPackagedObject.SObjectType);
Boolean hasPermissionForReset = cpr.hasPermission('Reset');

Like any use of SOQL we must think in a bulkified way, indeed its likely that for average to complex peaces of functionality you may want to check at least two or more custom permissions once you get started with them. As such its not really good practice to make single queries in each case.

For this reason the CustomPermissionsReader was written to load all applicable Custom Permissions and act as kind of cache. In the next example you’ll see how i’ve leveraged the Application class concept from the Apex Enterprise Patterns conventions to make it a singleton for the duration of the Apex execution context.

Here is an example of an Apex test that creates a PermissionSet, adds the Custom Permission and assigns it to the running user to confirm the Custom Permission was granted.

	private static void testCustomPermissionAssigned() {

		// Create PermissionSet with Custom Permission and assign to test user
		PermissionSet ps = new PermissionSet();
		ps.Name = 'Test';
		ps.Label = 'Test';
		insert ps;
		SetupEntityAccess sea = new SetupEntityAccess();
		sea.ParentId = ps.Id;
		sea.SetupEntityId = [select Id from CustomPermission where DeveloperName = 'Reset'][0].Id;
		insert sea;
		PermissionSetAssignment psa = new PermissionSetAssignment();
		psa.AssigneeId = UserInfo.getUserId();
		psa.PermissionSetId = ps.Id;
		insert psa;

		// Create reader
		CustomPermissionsReader cpr = new CustomPermissionsReader();

		// Assert the CustomPermissionsReader confirms custom permission assigned
		System.assertEquals(true, cpr.hasPermission('Reset'));

Seperation of Concerns and Custom Permissions

Those of you familiar with using Apex Enterprise Patterns might be wondering where checking Custom Permission fits in terms of separation of concerns and the layers the patterns promote.

The answer is at the very least in or below the Service Layer, enforcing any kind of security is the responsibility of the Service layer and callers of it are within their rights to assume it is checked. Especially if you have chosen to expose your Service layer as your application API.

This doesn’t mean however you cannot improve your user experience by using it from within Apex Controllers,  Visualforce pages or @RemoteAction methods to control the visibility of related UI components, no point in teasing the end user!

Integrating CustomerPermissionsReader into your Application class

The following code uses the Application class concept i introduced last year and at Dreamforce 2014, which is a single place to access your application scope concepts, such as factories for selectors, domain and service class implementations (it also has a big role to play when mocking).

public class Application {

	 * Expoeses typed representation of the Applications Custom Permissions
	public static final PermissionsFactory Permissions = new PermissionsFactory();

	 * Class provides a typed representation of an Applications Custom Permissions
	public class PermissionsFactory extends CustomPermissionsReader
		public Boolean Reset { get { return hasPermission('Reset'); } }

This approach ensures their is only one instance of the CustomPermissionsReader per Apex Execution context and also through the properties it exposes gives a compiler checked way of referencing the Custom Permissions, making it easier for application developers code to access them.

  // Do something to do with Reset...

Finally, as a future possibility, this approach gives a nice injection point for mocking the status of Custom Permissions in your Apex Unit tests, rather than having to go through the trouble of setting up a Permission Set and assigning it in your test code every time as shown above.

Call to Action: Ideas to Upvote

While writing this blog I created one Idea and came across a two others, i’d like to call you the reader to action on! Please take a look and of course only if you agree its a good one, give it the benefit of your much needed up vote!



Preview of Advanced Apex Enterprise Patterns Session

At this years Dreamforce i will be presenting not one, but two sessions on Apex Enterprise Patterns this year. The first will be re-run of last years session, Apex Enterprise Patterns : Building Strong Foundations. The second will be a follow on session dealing with more advanced topics around the patterns. Imaginatively entitled Advanced Apex Enterprise Patterns. The current abstract for this session is as follows…

Complex code can easily get out of hand without good design, so in this deep dive you will better understand how to apply the advanced design patterns used by highly experienced Salesforce developers. Starting with Interface & Base Class examples of OO design we quickly move on to new design features including: Application Factory, Field Level Security Support, Selector FieldSet support and Dependency Injection, Mock Testing of Services, Domain and Selector layers.​ By the end you will have a better understanding of how and when to apply these advanced Apex patterns.

If you attended the DevTalk in June this year, you will have got a sneak peak of some of the improvements being made to the supporting library for the patterns available in this repo. If you didn’t you’ll have to wait till Dreamforce! Oh go on then, i’ll give you a teaser here…

  • Introduction
  • Selector Enhancements, FieldSet and QueryFactory Support
  • Application Factory Introduction
  • Using Apex Interfaces to implement Common Service Layer Functionality
  • Introducing ApexMocks
  • Using ApexMocks with Service, Selector and Domain Layers
  • Field Level Security Experiment
  • Q&A 

I’m quite excited about all this content, but perhaps if pushed, i’d have to highlight the new Application Factory concept along with the integration with the exciting new ApexMocks library (also from R&D). This brings with it easier support for implementing polymorphic use cases in your application and the ability to mock layers of the patterns, such as Unit Of Work, Domain, Selector and Service layers. Allowing to develop true unit tests that are fast to execute by the platform and plentiful in terms of the variation of tests you’ll be able to develop without fear of extending the time your sat waiting for tests to execute!

Its is against my nature to publish a blog without a code sample in it, so i’ll leave you to ponder the following….

	public void applyDiscounts(Set<ID> opportunityIds, Decimal discountPercentage)
		// Create unit of work to capture work and commit it under one transaction
	    fflib_ISObjectUnitOfWork uow = Application.UnitOfWork.newInstance();

		// Query Opportunities
		List<Opportunity> oppRecords =

		// Apply discount via Opportunties domain class behaviour
		IOpportunities opps = Opportunities.newInstance(oppRecords);
		opps.applyDiscount(discountPercentage, uow);

		// Commit updates to opportunities

Here is a more generic service layer example, leveraging polymorphic Domain classes!

	public void generate(Set<Id> sourceRecordIds)
		// Create unit of work to capture work and commit it under one transaction
		fflib_ISObjectUnitOfWork uow = Application.UnitOfWork.newInstance();

		// Invoicing Factory helps domain classes produce invoices
		InvoicingService.InvoiceFactory invoiceFactory = new InvoicingService.InvoiceFactory(uow);

		// Construct domain class capabile of performing invoicing
		fflib_ISObjectDomain domain =
		if(domain instanceof InvoicingService.ISupportInvoicing)
			// Ask the domain object to generate its invoices
			InvoicingService.ISupportInvoicing invoicing = (InvoicingService.ISupportInvoicing) domain;
			// Commit generated invoices to the database

		// Related Domain object does not support the ability to generate invoices
		throw new fflib_Application.ApplicationException('Invalid source object for generating invoices.');

This last example shows how ApexMocks has been integrated into Application Factory concept via the setMock methods. The following is true test of only the service layer logic, by mocking the unit of work, domain and selector layers.

	private static void callingServiceShouldCallSelectorApplyDiscountInDomainAndCommit()
		// Create mocks
		fflib_ApexMocks mocks = new fflib_ApexMocks();
		fflib_ISObjectUnitOfWork uowMock = new fflib_SObjectMocks.SObjectUnitOfWork(mocks);
		IOpportunities domainMock = new Mocks.Opportunities(mocks);
		IOpportunitiesSelector selectorMock = new Mocks.OpportunitiesSelector(mocks);

		// Given
		List<Opportunity> testOppsList = new List<Opportunity> {
			new Opportunity(
				Id = fflib_IDGenerator.generate(Opportunity.SObjectType),
				Name = 'Test Opportunity',
				StageName = 'Open',
				Amount = 1000,
				CloseDate = };
		Set<Id> testOppsSet = new Map<Id, Opportunity>(testOppsList).keySet();
		Decimal discountPercent = 10;

		// When
		OpportunitiesService.applyDiscounts(testOppsSet, discountPercent);

		// Then
			mocks.verify(domainMock)).applyDiscount(discountPercent, uowMock);
			mocks.verify(uowMock, 1)).commitWork();

All these examples will be available in the sample application repo once i’ve completed the prep for the session in a few weeks time.

Sadly the session on ApexMocks was not selected for Dreamforce 2014, however not to worry! will be hosting a DevTalk event during Dreamforce week where Jesse Altman will be standing in for the library author Paul Hardaker (get well soon Paul!), book your place now!

Finally, if you have been using the patterns for a while and have a question you want to ask in this session, please feel free to drop your idea into the comments box below this blog post!


Apex UML Canvas Tool : Dreamforce Release!

Screen Shot 2013-10-14 at 22.16.58

Update: Dreamforce is over for another year! Thanks to everyone who supported me and came along to the session. Salesforce have now uploaded a recording of the session here and can find the slides here.

As those following my blog will know one of the sessions I’ll be running at this years Dreamforce event is around the Tooling API and Canvas technologies. If you’ve not read about what I’m doing check out my previous blog here. I’ve now uploaded the code to the tool I’ve developed that will be show casing these technologies. I’ll be walking through key parts of it in the session, please do feel free to take a look and give me your thoughts ahead or at the session if your attending!

Installing the Tool

You now also install the tool as a managed package into your development org by following these steps.

  1. Install the package using the package install link from the GitHub repo README file.
  2. Installed is a tab which shows a Visualforce page which hosts the externally hosted (on Heroku) Canvas application.
  3. You need to configure access to the Canvas application post installation, you can follow the Salesforce guidelines on screen and/or the ones here.Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 17.52.55
  4. Click the link to configure and edit the “Admin approved users are pre-authorised” option and save.Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 17.53.54
  5. Finally edit your Profile and enable the Connected App (and Tab if needed)Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 17.57.08

Using the Tool

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 17.41.16

  • The tool displays a list of the Apex classes (unmanaged) in your org on the left hand side, tick a class to show it in the canvas.
  • Move the Apex class UML representation around with your mouse, if it or other classes reference each other lines will be drawn automatically.
  • There is some issues with dragging, if you get mixed up, just click the canvas to deselect everything then click what you want.

It is quite basic still, only showing methods, properties and ‘usage’ relationships and really needs some further community push behind it to progress a long line of cool features that could be added. Take a look at the comments and discussion on my last post for some more ideas on this. Look forward to see you all at Dreamforce 2013!


Preview: Apex UML Canvas with Tooling API

Regular readers of my blog will recall my last post charting my exploits with the Salesforce Tooling API for a session I’m running at Dreamforce 2013…

Dreamforce 2013 Session: Apex Code Analysis using the Tooling API and Canvas

The Tooling API provides powerful new ways to manage your code and get further insight into how its structured. This session will teach you how to use the Tooling API and its Symbol Table to analyse your code using an application integrated via Canvas directly into your Salesforce org — no command line or desktop install required! Join us and take your knowledge of how your Apex code is really structured to the next level!

Screen Shot 2013-10-14 at 22.16.58As I hinted at in the last blog I was not 100% happy with the Mind Map visualisation I initially used. It was fun to play with, but I wanted to illustrate the use of the Tooling API with something more functional. So I went searching for a new library. I wanted something that was HML5 based, that would dynamically render as the user selected Apex classes.

Inspired by the ObjectAid tool, as well as some feedback comments describing a very cool PlantUML based Apex tool, impressively written currently without the Tooling API called PlantUML4Force. While PlantUML is a great library, it was not dynamic enough and ultimately I wanted to be able to better illustrate the separation of concerns in the diagrams by having more granular control over the final diagram. I eventually found a bit of hidden gem called UMLCanvas

I’ll eventually share this as a package once I’ve had a chance to work on it a bit more (it’s currently showing only UML Dependency relationships). In the meantime please take a look at the new video below and join me in my Dreamforce Session to hear about how I built it!

Technologies involved so far…


Preview: Demo of Apex Code Analysis using the Tooling API and Canvas

This weekend I’ve been fleshing out the code for my second Dreamforce 2013 session. I’ve been having a lot of fun with various technologies to create the following demo which I’ve shared a short work in progress video below. The JQuery plugin doing the rendering is js-mindmap, it’s got some quirks I’ve discovered so far, but I’m sticky with it for now!

The session highlights the Tooling API via this tool which can be installed directly into your Salesforce environment via the wonderful Salesforce Canvas technology! This is proposed session abstract …

Dreamforce 2013 Session: Apex Code Analysis using the Tooling API and Canvas

The Tooling API provides powerful new ways to manage your code and get further insight into how its structured. This session will teach you how to use the Tooling API and its Symbol Table to analyse your code using an application integrated via Canvas directly into your Salesforce org — no command line or desktop install required! Join us and take your knowledge of how your Apex code is really structured to the next level!

Technologies involved so far…

I’ve also found the excellent ObjectAid Eclipse plugin (which is sadly a Java source code only tool) to explore the Tooling API data structures in much more detail than the Salesforce documentation currently offers, especially in respect to the SymbolTable structure. I’ll be sharing full code and discussing the following diagram in more detail in my session! In the meantime I’d love to know your thoughts and other ideas around the Tooling API!

Tooling API


Ideas for Apex Enterprise Patterns Dreamforce 2013 Session!


Update: Dreamforce is over for another year! Thanks to everyone who supported me and came along to the session. Salesforce have now uploaded a recording of the session here and can find the slides here.

As part of this years Dreamforce 2013 event I will be once again running a session on Apex Enterprise Patterns, following up on my recent series of articles. Here is the current abstract for the session, comments welcome!

Building Strong Foundations: Apex Enterprise Patterns “Any structure expected to stand the test of time and change, needs a strong foundation! Software is no exception, engineering your code to grow in a stable and effective way is critical to your ability to rapidly meet the growing demands of users, new features, technologies and platform features. You will take away architect level design patterns to use in your Apex code to keep it well factored, easier to maintain and obey platform best practices. Based on a interpreation of Martin Fowlers Enterprise Architecture Application patterns and the practice of Separation of Concerns.” (Draft)

I’ve recently started to populated a dedicated Github repository that contains only the working sample code (with the library code in separate repo). So that i can build out a real working sample application illustrating in practical way the patterns in action. It already covers a number of features and use cases such as…

  • Layering Apex logic by applying Separation of Concerns
  • Visualforce controllers and the Service Layer
  • Triggers, validation, defaulting and business logic encapsulation via Domain layer
  • Applying object orientated programming inheritance and interfaces via Domain layer
  • Managing DML and automatic relationship ‘stitching’ when inserting records via Unit Of Work pattern
  • Factoring, encapsulating and standardising SOQL query logic via Selector layer

The following are ideas I’ll be expanding on in the sample application in preparation for the session…

  • Batch Apex and Visualforce Remoting (aka JavaScript callers) and the Service Layer
  • Apex testing without SOQL and DML via the Domain Layer
  • Exposing a custom application API, such as REST API or Apex API via Service Layer
  • Reuse and testing SOQL query logic in Batch Apex context via Selector Layer
  • Rich client MVC frameworks such as AngularJS and Service Side SOC

What do you think and what else would you like to see and discuss in this session?

Feel free to comment on this blog below, tweet me, log it on Github or however else you can get in touch.