Andy in the Cloud

From BBC Basic to and beyond…

Managing your DML and Transactions with a Unit Of Work



A utility class I briefly referenced in this article was SObjectUnitOfWork. I promised in that article to discuss it in more detail, that time has come! Its main goals are.

  • Optimise DML interactions with the database
  • Provide transactional control
  • Simplify complex code that often spends a good portion of its time managing bulkificaiton and  ‘plumbing’ record relationships together.

In this blog I’m going to show you two approaches to creating a reasonably complex set of records on the platform, comparing the pros and cons of the traditional approach vs that using the Unit of Work approach.

Complex Data Creation and Relationships

Lets first look at a sample peace of code to create a bunch Opportunity records and related, Product, PricebookEntry and eventually OpportunityLine records. It designed to have a bit of a variable element to it, as such the number of lines per Opportunity and thus Products varies depending on which of the 10 Opportunties is being processed. The traditional approach is to do this a stage at a time, creating things and inserting things in the correct dependency order and associating child and related records via the Id’s generated by the previous inserts. Lists are our friends here!

			List opps = new List();
			List productsByOpp = new List();
			List pricebookEntriesByOpp = new List();
			List oppLinesByOpp = new List();
			for(Integer o=0; o<10; o++)
				Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
				opp.Name = 'NoUoW Test Name ' + o;
				opp.StageName = 'Open';
				opp.CloseDate =;
				List products = new List();
				List pricebookEntries = new List();
				List oppLineItems = new List();
				for(Integer i=0; i<o+1; i++)
					Product2 product = new Product2();
					product.Name = opp.Name + ' : Product : ' + i;
					PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry();
					pbe.UnitPrice = 10;
					pbe.IsActive = true;
					pbe.UseStandardPrice = false;
					pbe.Pricebook2Id = pb.Id;
					OpportunityLineItem oppLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
					oppLineItem.Quantity = 1;
					oppLineItem.TotalPrice = 10;
			// Insert Opportunities
			insert opps;
			// Insert Products
			List allProducts = new List();
			for(List products : productsByOpp)
			insert allProducts;
			// Insert Pricebooks
			Integer oppIdx = 0;
			List allPricebookEntries = new List();
			for(List pricebookEntries : pricebookEntriesByOpp)
				List products = productsByOpp[oppIdx++];
				Integer lineIdx = 0;
				for(PricebookEntry pricebookEntry : pricebookEntries)
					pricebookEntry.Product2Id = products[lineIdx++].Id;
			insert allPricebookEntries;
			// Insert Opportunity Lines
			oppIdx = 0;
			List allOppLineItems = new List();
			for(List oppLines : oppLinesByOpp)
				List pricebookEntries = pricebookEntriesByOpp[oppIdx];
				Integer lineIdx = 0;
				for(OpportunityLineItem oppLine : oppLines)
					oppLine.OpportunityId = opps[oppIdx].Id;
					oppLine.PricebookEntryId = pricebookEntries[lineIdx++].Id;
			insert allOppLineItems;

Lists and Maps (if your linking existing data) are important tools in this process, much like SOQL, its bad news to do DML in loops, as you only get 150 DML operations per request before the governors blow. So we must index and list items within the various loops to ensure we are following best practice for bulkificaiton of DML as well.  If your using ExternalId fields, you can avoid some of this, but to much use of those comes at a cost as well, and your not always able to add these to all objects, so traditionally the above is pretty much the most bulkified way of inserting Opportunities.

Same again, but with a Unit Of Work…

Now thats take a look at the same sample using the Unit Of Work approach to capture the work and commit it all to the database in one operation. In this example notice first of all its a lot smaller and hopefully easier to see what the core purpose of the logic is. Most notable is that there are no maps at all, and also no direct DML operations, such as insert. 

img_strategy_targetInstead the code registers the need for an insert with the unit of work, for it to perform later via the registerNew methods on lines 8,13,19 and 24. The unit of work is keeping track of the lists of objects and is also providing a kind of ‘stitching’ service for the code, see lines 19, 23 and 24. Because it is given a list of object types when its constructed (via MY_SOBJECT) and these are in dependency order, it knows to insert records its given in that order and then follow up populating the indicated relationship fields as it goes. The result I think is both making the code more readable and focused on the task at hand.

			SObjectUnitOfWork uow = new SObjectUnitOfWork(MY_SOBJECTS);
			for(Integer o=0; o<10; o++)
				Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
				opp.Name = 'UoW Test Name ' + o;
				opp.StageName = 'Open';
				opp.CloseDate =;
				for(Integer i=0; i<o+1; i++)
					Product2 product = new Product2();
					product.Name = opp.Name + ' : Product : ' + i;
					PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry();
					pbe.UnitPrice = 10;
					pbe.IsActive = true;
					pbe.UseStandardPrice = false;
					pbe.Pricebook2Id = pb.Id;
					uow.registerNew(pbe, PricebookEntry.Product2Id, product);
					OpportunityLineItem oppLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
					oppLineItem.Quantity = 1;
					oppLineItem.TotalPrice = 10;
					uow.registerRelationship(oppLineItem, OpportunityLineItem.PricebookEntryId, pbe);
					uow.registerNew(oppLineItem, OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId, opp);

The MY_SOBJECT variable is setup as follows, typically you would probably just have one of these for your whole app.

	// SObjects (in order of dependency)
	private static List MY_SOBJECTS =
		new Schema.SObjectType[] {
			OpportunityLineItem.SObjectType };

Looking into the Future with registerNew and registerRelationship methods

Screen Shot 2013-06-09 at 15.06.11These two methods on the SObjectUnitOfWork class allow you to see into the future. By allowing you to register relationships without knowing the Id’s of records your inserting (also via the unit of work). As you can see in the above example, its a matter of providing the relationship field and the related record. Even if the related record does not yet have an Id, by the time the unit of work has completed inserting dependent records for you, it will. At this point, it will set the Id on the indicated field for you, before inserting the record.

Delegating this type of logic to the unit of work, avoids you having to manage lists and maps to associate related records together and thus keeps the focus on the core goal of the logic.

Note: If you have some cyclic dependencies in your schema, you will have to either use two separate unit of work instances or simply handle this directly using DML.

Deleting and Updating Records with a Unit Of Work…

This next example shows how the unit of work can be used in a editing scenario, suppose that some logic has taken a bunch of OpportunityLineItem’s and grouped them. You need to delete the line items no longer required, insert the new grouped line and also update the Opportunity to indicate the process has taken place.

			// Consolidate Products on the Opportunities
			SObjectUnitOfWork uow = new SObjectUnitOfWork(MY_SOBJECTS);
			for(Opportunity opportunity : opportunities)
				// Group the lines
				Map<Id, List> linesByGroup = new Map<Id, List>();
				// Grouping logic
				// ...
				// For groups with more than one 1 line, delete those lines and create a new consolidated one
				for(List linesForGroup : linesByGroup.values() )
					// More than one line with this product?
						// Delete the duplicate product lines and caculate new quantity total
						Decimal consolidatedQuantity = 0;
						for(OpportunityLineItem lineForProduct : linesForGroup)
							consolidatedQuantity += lineForProduct.Quantity;
						// Create new consolidated line
						OpportunityLineItem consolidatedLine = new OpportunityLineItem();
						consolidatedLine.Quantity = consolidatedQuantity;
						consolidatedLine.UnitPrice = linesForGroup[0].UnitPrice;
						consolidatedLine.PricebookEntryId = linesForGroup[0].PricebookEntry.Id;
						uow.registerNew(consolidatedLine, OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId, opportunity);
						// Note the last consolidation date
						opportunity.Description = 'Consolidated on ' +;

Transaction management and the commitWork method

Database transactions is something you rarely have to concern yourself within Apex…. or do you? Consider the sample code below, in it there is a deliberate bug (line 22). When the user presses the button associated with this controller method, the error occurs, is caught and is displayed to the user via the apex:pagemessages component. If the developer did not do this, the error would be unhandled and the standard Salesforce white page with the error text displayed would be shown to the user, hardly a great user experience.

	public PageReference doSomeWork()
			Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
			opp.Name = 'My New Opportunity';
			opp.StageName = 'Open';
			opp.CloseDate =;
			insert opp;
			Product2 product = new Product2();
			product.Name = 'My New Product';
			insert product;
			// Insert pricebook
			PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry();
			pbe.UnitPrice = 10;
			pbe.IsActive = true;
			pbe.UseStandardPrice = false;
			pbe.Pricebook2Id = [select Id from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true].Id;
			pbe.Product2Id = product.Id;
			insert pbe;
			// Fake an error
			Integer x = 42 / 0;
			// Insert opportunity lines...
			OpportunityLineItem oppLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
			oppLineItem.Quantity = 1;
			oppLineItem.TotalPrice = 10;
			oppLineItem.PricebookEntryId = pbe.Id;
			insert oppLineItem;
		catch (Exception e)
		return null;

However using try/catch circumvents the standard Apex transaction rollback during error conditions. “Only when all the Apex code has finished running and the Visualforce page has finished running, are the changes committed to the database. If the request does not complete successfully, all database changes are rolled back.”. Therefore catching the exception results in the request to complete successfully, thus the Apex runtime commits records that lead up to the error occurring. This results in the above code leaving an Opportunity with no lines on the database.

The solution to this problem, is to utilise a Savepoint, as described in the standard Salesforce documentation. To avoid the developer having to remember this, the SObjectUnitOfWork commitWork method creates a Savepoint and manages the rollback to it, should any errors occur. After doing so, it throws again the error so that the caller can perform its own error handling and reporting. This gives a consistant behaviour to database updates regardless of how errors are handled by the controlling logic.

Note: Regardless of using the commitWork method or manually coding your Savepoint logic, review the statement from the Salesforce documentation regarding Id’s.


As you can see between the two samples in this blog, there is significant reduction of over half the source lines when using the unit of work. Of course the SObjectUnitOfWork class does have its own processing to perform. Because it is a generic library, its never going to be as optimum as if you would write this code by hand specifically for the use case needed as per the first example.


When writing Apex code, optimisation of statements is a consideration (consider Batch Apex in large volumes). However so are other things such as queries, database manipulation and balancing overall code complexity, since smaller and simpler code bases generally contains less bugs. Ultimately, using any utility class, needs to be considered on balance with a number of things and not just in isolation of one concern. Hopefully you now have enough information to decide for yourself if the benefit is worth it in respect to the complexity of the code your writing.

Unit Of Work is a Enterprise Application Architecture pattern by Martin Fowler.

42 thoughts on “Managing your DML and Transactions with a Unit Of Work

  1. UOW is a great pattern and Andy has done us a huge service in creating this for Apex. It takes something that is complex and makes it very accessible. I’ve been fortunate to be using UOW since I began developing enterprise Apex last year and it is a huge time saver.

  2. Your unit-of-work description reminds me of the “Collecting Parameter” pattern discussed in Kent Beck’s “Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns.”

    In a base class we frequently extend we’ve implemented two virtual methods, save() and saveTo(list). Each subclass typically overrides saveTo() to add its own sobject to the list, then asks each of its contained objects to do the same. The end-result is the save() is implemented as:

    public virtual void save()
    List aList = new List();
    List updateList = new List();
    List insertList = new List();


    for (sobject each : aList) {
    if ( == null)

    try {
    update updateList;
    insert insertList;
    catch (DMLException dmlex)
    XedeException.Raise(‘Error adding or updating object : {0}’, dmlex.getMessage());

    A similar approach could be used for custom-generating XML. The top method might be called getXmlString(), and its collector called getXmlStringTo(string aString). The similar pattern to implementation would follow. Each subclass would override getXmlStringTo() to write its own XML, and would ask each of its children to do the same. The same pattern could be used for customized DOM or JSON results.

    • Interesting stuff indeed, good to see others thinking about making this easier. Do you help with stitching references together during commit phase?

      • Now that I think about it, a better mechanism might be to call saveTo() repeatedly until its list is empty, and let the objects solicited decide for themselves if their dependents need to be collected.

        I can imagine a purchase order with lines answering different results for the 2nd saveTo() from the first. The first time it would save its own sobject and on the second call its dependents, the lines. It could use its own sobject’s id as a flag to indicate whether or not it needs to call its chidren’s saveTo()s.

        A more sophisticated dependency mechanism could be contrived, but may be unnecessarily complex.

      • Tom, some great thoughts, loving the dialogue here! One thing to keep in mind is bulkification, normally attributed to SOQL, but also applies to DML as well. For single request, if you for example insert multiple parent and child relationships, to truly bulkify all parents must be inserted then all children. So having each parent delegate to its child as its inserted will break this. Thus the UOW pattern helps aggregate this information until the request is ready to commit all its work and then as you say processes them in dependency order, but as an entire set of related records. In general though I very keen on keeping as much OOP / domain style programming alive on the platform as possible, while working within its governors.

      • Andrew, your reply this morning to my post last night appears, but not my post from last night.

        It also occurs to me that the code may not be obvious that the children’s inserts are deferred until after their parents (all their parents) are inserted. After the parent’s inserts, the dependent list is processed, and ALL the children are inserted at once.

        Best of all, if any of the children have dependents they can be added to the next dependent list and processed–all at once. For new records, each level of dependency is handled with a single INSERT regardless how many sobjects there are.

        The biggest danger is inserting too many at once. But that can now easily be remedied inside save(), for which I need only a single implementation.

  3. To date, we haven’t had the necessity for inserting parents coincident with their children. It may be either we haven’t had the need for it, or the way we’ve built systems we’ve inadvertently avoided the problem.

    Regardless, as I read your looking into the future section, and if I understand the intent, we would likely try to exploit our dependency mechanism, again inspired by Smalltalk’s, so that the save event of one object could notify other objects, or at least activate a second save, on the just-inserted objects, and allow the dependency mechanism to cascade. It would then be the designer’s responsibility to make sure there weren’t more than 100 levels of dependencies to avoid tripping governor limits.

    Of course, Apex is statically typed so we’d have to write more code than in Smalltalk, but the end-result would be similar. Objects could indicate they depend on another object, and when that object’s state changed (its sobject is saved), it could notify its dependents, or issue a subsequent saveTo() across them.

  4. Andrew, I’m running into an interesting circular reference problem. I’m trying to create a contact and it’s parent account in one transaction. We have a field on our Account schema called Default Contact that we want to be set at the same time as creating the records. I’ve tried something like this:

    uow.registerRelationship(c, Contact.AccountId, a);
    uow.registerRelationship(a, Account.Default_Contact__c, c);

    This works except for the last step, the Default Contact on the account does not appear to get set (even after requerying). I was able to get it work using multiple uow’s and setting the default contact after the first one committed.

    So a couple of questions:

    Am I missing something with UOW? Is there a way to handle a circular reference cleanly?

    If not, should I be managing my own savepoints and just skip UOW? (I was a bit concerned about putting DML into a service class, but perhaps that’s okay?)

    As always I appreciate your insights. Good luck at Dreamforce – wish I could have made it this year!

    • Yeah such a shame we could not share a coffee and/or beer, the event was amazing, the good news is, it just keeps getting better and better! Anyway back to your question, yes, you’ve hit apone a currently limitation, the workaround is as you suggest to break it out to another UOW. Would you mind raising this on the new GitHub repo for the library, this ought to be something the library can do. Btw, feel free if you want to have a go at a fix yourself, and make a pull request. Hope to catch you next year and thanks for the continued support! 🙂

    • sstone, the collecting parameter pattern handles your scenario quite easily.

      First, you might consider remodeling your data. Uncomfortable DMLs sometime hint that there may be simpler designs. For instance, “isDefault” might be a better attribute on the contact record than a defaultContract attribute on the account. This approach, at least, could be accomplished with two DMLs rather than three.

      I think three DMLs for your model are inescapable because there are two dependencies rather than one. But rather than go-on on Andrew’s real estate I’ll resolve to describe it elsewhere.

  5. Pingback: Doing more work with the Unit Of Work | Andy in the Cloud

  6. Hi Andy,

    I have a question about managing duplicates within a uow.

    Lets say I have an account domain class:

    public class Accounts extends fflib_SObjectDomain
    private static Schema.SObjectType[] MY_SOBJECTTYPES = new Schema.SObjectType[]{ Account.SObjectType, Entitlement.SObjectType };

    public override void onAfterUpdate(Map oldRecords)
    fflib_SObjectUnitOfWork uow = new fflib_SObjectUnitOfWork(MY_SOBJECTTYPES);

    public void methodA(fflib_SObjectUnitOfWork uow)
    for(Account acc : (List)Records)
    acc.FieldA = ‘Field Update’;

    public void methodB(fflib_SObjectUnitOfWork uow)
    for(Account acc : (List)Records)
    acc.FieldB = ‘Field Update’;


    In these instances, I’m finding that I get duplicate ids. Is there a best practice on how to handle this type of scenario so that I don’t get duplicate ids when the work is committed?


  7. Re: registerDirty(someRec); Worth noting when using a common UoW and multiple dirtying methods for the same domain. For example, imagine an onAfterUpdate in Opportunity that creates a uow to push some changes down into OpportunityProducts (OLI).

    Pseudo code is something like:

    Opportunity[] opposWithChildren = new OpportunitySelector().selectByIdWithChildren(someSetOfOppoIds);
    for (Opportunity o : opposWithChildren)
    olisToTouchA.addAll(o.isSomethingA__c ? o.OpportunityLineItems : new List());

    // Start a UoW
    fflib_ISobjectOfWork uow = Application.UnitOfWork.getInstance();

    // Now ask OLI Domain class to change the OLI – Method A
    OpportunityLineItems oliAs = new OpportunityLineItems(olisToTouchA);
    oliAs.methodA(uow); // MethodA uses uow.registerDirty() on each OLI altered

    // …. other stuff

    // But wait, we have some other encapuslated domain change we need OpportunityLineItems to do (MethodB)
    for (Opportunity o : opposWithChildren)
    olisToTouchB.addAll(o.isSomethingB__c ? o.OpportunityLineItems : new List());

    // Now ask OLI Domain class to change the OLI – Method B
    OpportunityLineItems oliBs = new OpportunityLineItems(olisToTouchB); // instantiate anew
    oliBs.methodB(uow); // MethodB also uses uow.registerDirty() on each OLI altered

    // commit the changes

    Now, if sharing a uow between MethodA and MethodB (same uow passed to each from Opportunities domain method):

    1. Because MethodA and MethodB both touch OpportunityLineItems and ..
    2. Both MethodA and MethodB registerDirty on potentially the same OLI instance …
    3. When commitWork() comes along, only the last (Method B’s) changes will be committed …
    4. UNLESS the UoW creator takes care to pass to Method B the OLI Sobjects sent to Method A (and presumably changed in situ by Method A) , then the Method A changes are lost.

    Now, this isn’t a flaw in the pattern but more of a consideration to remember as records to change are being fetched in class Opportunities but are updated in some distant class OpportunityLineItems and the committed in Opportunities. All mediated by the UoW class.

    Something perhaps worth noting in the 2nd edition on page 140 of the Enterprise Architecture Book

    Meta-comment: Most of the above comes about from rewiring my brain to use the fflib’s patterns after years of ‘classic Apex’. At first, the brilliance of the pattern lulls one into complacency but then as you code/re-engineer code, and you try and super-encapsulate behavior into where it belongs, you start asking yourself questions – does my code make it obvious to the next person that the changes made by MethodA are being passed into MethodB for subsequent changes?

    I could obviously have used two UoWs but that goes against the grain of minimizing database operations so as to minimize SOQL.

    • Thanks for this great observation, such feedback from real world usage is vital to the community. Your correct i don’t think its something that can be really delt with technically, its more of an awareness thing. Though i do wonder if there was a facility to merge a result set from a query with the current contents of the UOW that might help. e.g. List results = mySelector.selectById(myIds, myUow); However i think this is a step to far as i can already see complexities emerging from this approach. In the end the sometimes the developer just has to keep things in mind, so long as on balance a framework is always adding value thats the main thing.

    • And yes this is really good feedback for a second edition of the book…. 😉

  8. Hi Andy,

    I am trying to get the product names of an opportunity through dynamic apex and SOQL.
    below is the piece of code
    for(sObject eachchildRec : data.getsObjects(eachchild)){
    value += eachchildRec.getsObject(‘PricebookEntry’).getsObjects(‘Product2’)[0].get(‘Name’) + ‘,’ ;
    value += eachchildRec.get(childFieldName) + ‘,’ ;

    where data is opportunity record which is queried through dynamic SOQL, childFieldName can be ‘pricebookEntry.product2.Name’

    When I try to execute, I am getting an error like “System.SObjectException: Invalid aggregate relationship Product2 for PricebookEntry”

    Can you help in getting rid of this error?

    • What does the soql query look like in the debug log? It’s hard to tell what’s wrong from your code as I don’t know it

  9. Hello Andrew,

    down vote
    I have Four objects in salesforce Project , Project Phase , Project Task, Task Details.

    Project Is master Project Phase Is child. Project Phase is Master and Project task is child Project Task is Master and Task Details is child.

    In the system, there is a project, along with phases and tasks and details. I want to create a sample record by copying these objects data.

    I have a situation now i have three tasks records and i want to create tasks, phases, details of these tasks and associate this to new Project.

    How do i achieve this?

    In simple words i have task records and i have to insert first a new hardcoded project than associate these task and the phases of these tasks and details of these task to new hardcoded project.


    • The registerNew and registerRelationship methods are your friends for this type of task. Also make sure you have setup the unit of work with the objects in the correct order. Give it a try with a smaller example then add more complexity.

  10. Hi Andy,
    Nice tutorial!

    I have one doubt what’s the difference between registerNew() and registerRelationship() ?

    We can also provide relationship in registerNew() then why should we use registerRelationship() ?

    uow.registerRelationship(oppLineItem, OpportunityLineItem.PricebookEntryId, pbe); //Can’t we use registerNew() ?
    uow.registerNew(oppLineItem, OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId, opp);

    • This is in cases where your child record has two parents that are being inserted alone with the child record. In this case the opportunity line needed to be associated both with a parent price book and the opportunity. You would not want to call registerNew on the opportunity line twice, so in this case the registerRelationship is provided. Hope this helps.

  11. Hi Andrew, does the error handling with unit of work have the option to addError to the original object that originated in

    • No this is actually not possible in general. They are separate instances. You can however get hold of errors generally via the apexpages.getmessages method

  12. Hello,
    I have the following question: I don’t fully understand whether I can use some classes from fflib common framework in my commerce projects(for instance Unit of Work) or it is forbidden by rights?

  13. Pingback: Unit of Work Pattern Explained - Learning Salesforce Coding with Examples

  14. Hi
    I am trying to install in my dev org it is getting below error, how to resolve it?

    customMetadata/,1):Error parsing file: Content is not allowed in prolog.

  15. Hey Andy,

    Have these components;
    – A Queueable class, initiates a single UOW instance and passes it onto 2 different service methods one after the other. After calling both services, this class commits the work making the entire transaction encapsulated in a single work unit.
    – In the first service class method, I do register some records depending on my use case. (without UOW, that would be an insert at that moment making those records committed to the database. More on this later)
    – Then in the second service class method (this is in another class), by design, I query records (normally the ones in the previous step could be queried too) and by using their Ids, I further process another type of object records. Note that at this stage I’m also relying on some field values to read some custom metadata records in order to facilitate the rest of the process.

    – Even though, seemingly, those 2 service methods act hand in hand in this specific use case, it is still better to keep them separate as both of them can be consumed as standalone service methods.
    – Both service classes have these methods overloaded in order to expose both the plain version and UOW parameterized version.

    Now my situation;
    – As my second service method relies on DB query, I don’t get the supposedly ‘inserted’ ones from the previous step. Here, I can definitely make use of the getNewRecordsByType() base method in order to get the ‘registered’ list.
    – However, then, how to keep that method neat so that It can both serve as an only entry point and as a chained service method at the same time

    Any thoughts?

    • This is great SOC. If you have a Selector for your query I would abstract the query logic behind that – pass in – optionally a uow on the selector method. The selector logic can use the uow and/query to return results accordingly. Thus the service logic method can have an overload to take a uow or not, in the later case default to null, in the regular overload case and thus have the selector logic condition on null. Hope this makes sense. Great work.

  16. Hi Andrew – Thanks for all the valuable info here! One fundamental question around governor limits. How do we handle a scenario where we might run into scenarios where we have more than 10,000 records in UOW DML operations?

    • For these cases you must orchestrate your workload into separate invocations of your apex workload. Batch Apex and Queables are good ways to do this and you can still use UOW within them as well! 👍🏻

    • More than 10000 DML rows will be a limits exception. You avoid it with UnitOfWork like any other Apex transaction– delegate the work to async like a batchable, chained queueables, or multiple platform events.

      • I have a variation on this question – let’s say you build a generic app that will process records based on customer configuration and you cannot guarantee the number of DML statements or rows that will be processed.

        Under a non UOW pattern you may perform DML in particular places, targeted to keep the numbers down, and prior to issuing the update (or before moving onto the next part of processing), you may check your limits, see if you’re getting close, and if so you defer that work.

        In a UOW world, how would you implement that pattern? Is there way of finding out from the UOW:
        * How many DML statements will be issued when ‘commitWork’ is called?
        * How may rows will be updated?

        Obviously, there’s no way of telling what the downstream SOQL and DML statements will be (because of triggers, etc), but is there a way of finding out how the information on what the UOW will issue directly?

      • You can write extensions to the uow class these days – they should give you access to the various lists within it. It is going to be hard I think to strip out records already added to it though but you can try – maybe it generates a new unit of work or two unit of works one for now and one for later (async?). It’s probably pretty hard to do this at this level though as it would require knowledge of your scenario uow is not aware. As you say even such code cannot look into the future of other resource usage. I would say that if you want to implement this you do so in the logic interacting with the unit of work and not try to reverse engineer after things have been added. Also batch apex is a means to chunk work like this and calibrate the chunk size with a configuration parameter usually stored in custom settings or custom metadata. Hope all this helps. Andy

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